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Doppler Training for Current Clients

As always, feel free to contact us with any questions or trouble shooting!

Doppler Instructions

  • Explain to the patient/family how you will be using the gel and doppler to record the heartbeat and will need it to be quiet in the room during the recording process. If this is an end-of-life case where the pt is not alert/able to converse, it is still important to talk to the patient out loud. 

  • Open the voice memos app on your device. Press the red record button. Set the phone/device as close to the patient as possible. 

  • Turn the doppler on by holding down the middle button. Adjust the volume using the up/down arrows as needed. Put a small amount of gel on the doppler and roll doppler gently on left side of pt’s chest. You made need to roll the doppler around left and right to hear the heartbeat more clearly depending on the pt’s physical size. Take your time! 

  • Once you have found the right placement, let the heartbeat sound out loud clearly for 10 seconds for the recording. Use a tissue to allow the pt to wipe the gel off or assist them in wiping it off if needed. 

  • Press the red record button again to stop recording on voice memos app in phone and edit the name of the recording to the patients assigned number. ex: pt 01. Clean the doppler with one of the purple Sani-cloth wipes.

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